My Druidry

Trees leaning right a bit

I have never felt comfortable in organized Abrahamic monotheism. To me, it felt forced and unnatural, dictated by doctrine and rules. It had no room for personal growth and exploration except as directed by the "all-important" church leaders and study groups. And when combined with history, it felt awkwardly distorted from its central tenents. The whole system was directed and lacked something major.

I have nothing against Christianity personally. I believe everybody must find their own path and discover what works for them spiritually. In its rawest form, Christianity is beautiful and caring. But as I explored what other beliefs exist out there, I was drawn to the beauty and emotional power of Paganism. With nature at its core, I found myself connecting with a system that understood we are a citizen of Earth and the universe, not a central part of it. Animals in all their forms inhabited our planet for hundreds of millions of years and we are simply an evolution of what has come before.

Wicca was not for me. Sure, I tried it out and found it fascinating that this practice focused on personal power and the small bit of innate divinity hiding within ourselves. I studied but found myself looking for more connection and a link to humanity's history. Druidry is the home I found and I've never been happier.